Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Eve of Launch

One year in the making all comes down to tonight. For tomorrow the world gets its first glimse of my creation - the first coupon phone from a United States carrier. But as I sit here with all the launch activity buzzing around the office, with the light fading in the Midwest sky, I am breathing a big exhale and smiling. I have brought this new concept to life. A $35 per month unlimited talk, text and web phone that features local deals, discounts and coupons at the click of a button. Advertisers subsidizing a rate plan so my product can be less expensive than other carriers, leveraging all the strengths of being a carrier, with the localization and innovation strategy to guide our next steps towards increasing value in the product; I'm proud of the outcome.

Word is starting to get out early. The customer care lines are jammed with people trying to opt in to the new plan. The feeling around the company is optimistic - we're going to grow quick.

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