Monday, June 7, 2010

Something for everyone in mobile marketing

Mobile marketing works if you have engaged eyeballs, sated advertisers, and incented clicking behavior. Everyone in the relationship desires some immediate or sustained. Through the launch today of the AirFire Mobile site, we've accomplished this.

The customer receives deals, discounts and coupons right to their phone at the click of a button and further receives their mobile phone for only $35 per month including unlimited talk, text, web and picture messaging. We've wrapped in the fees, so the customer only pays the sales tax. The coupon phone concpet makes the phone the lowest in the nation rate plan for this group of unlimited services. And the purchase of the phone is inexpensive as well. Most customers get out the door with a phone for under $100.

The adverstisers receive attention to their product/brand, and more customers. Advertisers can target the ads to specific audiences. With every customer completing a survey of demographic information, likes/dislikes and other preferences, we've cut down on the potential for spam and made the deals, discounts and coupons useful. By targeting local retailers rather than national advertisers, we're also adding relevance - local people shopping the local economy through local retailers. And the retailers receive insight in additional detail than they do through traditional advertising. The click through rates on coupons, the advertiser receipts we receive back from customers through our incentives, these all contribute to a view of how well the advertiser's offer is being received through mobile marketing.

A few words on incenting coupon clicking and redemption behavior. This is the grail of mobile advertising. Our company has developed methods for incenting customers to click on the coupons, and for them to redeem the coupons. Here is where the innovation comes in, for we need to contstantly introduce new and exciting reasons for customers to click. Every month we need to roll out applications, mobile products and offers that drive our customers to use their coupons. I am looking forward to the next few weeks to have results from these efforts on profitability and usage.

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